Thank You Fearless Followers!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saying Goodbye to EntreCard

For those of you who are regular EntreCard droppers here...Thank You! Due to all the EC changes that are coming I have decided to check out on or before October 5th. As of today, my ads are disabled and I have spread the wealth around (all my banked EC points.)

EC allowed me to keep track of so many great blogs that I enjoyed reading, but it will become more difficult now. I hope many of you will add yourselves to my list of "followers" so I can "find you" again. If you have a "follow" feature, I have added myself or will do so in the coming days. You can also find me at STUMBLE UPON or at BLOG CATALOG.

OR you can post your link in the comment section below so that I have a permanent connection back to you.

Best wishes to all of you and may the Blog Force be with you!!!


  1. Oh this is sad, many are leaving EC.

  2. I've added you as a friend on Stumble Upon and Blog Catalog. Figured I should leave a comment as well.

    Also, I'd like to highlight a recent blog post about EntreCard where I suggest people check out Adgitize and CMF Ads.

    Also, I would encourage you, and your readers, to fill out my survey about blog advertising networks.

    I look forward to continuing to read your blog even after you leave EntreCard

  3. Looks like we are part of a mass exodus. The EC folks have not only made changes but they have announced and implemented them in a ham-handed way. I understand and support your choice, having made a similar choice myself.

  4. Howdy, if you want to follow my blog I'm at

  5. Looks like EC is but a shadow of its former self. It's sad in many ways. Your actions are completely understandable. Good luck.

  6. I'm part of the great exodus, too. Having to pay NOT to have unwanted ads was the last straw. I added myself to your followers. We'll be fine.

  7. I am leaving too. Not because there are paid ads but because we have no way to approve or disapprove them. I'm glad we have Facebook and I'll be back to visit.

  8. I have read some issue about entre card. but what happen to our EC then?
    here my site then see you around

  9. paid ads is a bad idea.I don't like it. maybe I'll quit too


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